Ten Days in London: February 2023

Me in a Pub with a Pint! Late in 2022, Janet was trolling around the United Airlines site and blurted out, "hey, flights to London have really come down...you want to go to London in March?" London is neck and neck as my favorite with Paris and Munich, so I said, "Sure!" and over the second cup of coffee, we had the flight, an AirBnB right by Covent Garden and Chinatown and close to five different Tube stations...all booked that morning! Later Janet scored London Theater tickets as well, amazed by the much lower prices than NYC/Broadway. On February 7, 2023 we took the usual non-stop from SFO to Heathrow, a nice and uneventful flight, and we did a bit of walking to get to the Heathrow Express (on an English Pound per kilometer basis, it's the most expensive train ride in the UK...such as the price for convenience) but the 17 minute trip puts you in to Paddington Station and then we Uber'd to our AirBnB. Oy, as we spied our location: we rented it based on ...