
Showing posts from October, 2022

Pictures, Pictures Everywhere and no where to display them, but here

We've taken literally thousands of pictures on our Retirement Road Trips over the years, with a good portion of them taken with our various iPhone models (all the recent ones were taken solely with my 2nd generation iPhone SE), so what better place to display them but in this blog.  Enjoy! We'll start with the latest trip, Number 14, and work our way back through the years.  Retirement Road Trip (RRT) 14 took us from Reno (after picking up a teardrop trailer) across Nevada to the "Big 5" Utah National Parks with a dip south to the North Rim as it closed for the season. Here is the "rig" in RVer parlance: Retirement road trip 14  Saturday, October 8, 2022, Day 1: drove from home to Reno to pick up Teardrop, rented through,  from a very talkative owner of the trailer, Jun.  He had six trailers in his driveway: two or three Teardrops, some new insulated small trailer, a boat...lots of toys.  We're glad he doesn't live